Quantum Energy Healing


Quantum Energy Healing is a term used to describe a range of practices that use principles from quantum physics to facilitate healing. It is believe that these principals influence the body's energy fields to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. Here’s a broad overview of what it involves: Concepts from Quantum Physics: Practitioners often draw on concepts from quantum physics, like energy fields, entanglement, and the idea that particles can exist in multiple states at once. They use these concepts metaphorically to explain how healing might occur. Energy Fields: The idea is that every person has an energy field (sometimes called an aura), and imbalances in this field can lead to health issues. By manipulating or balancing this energy, practitioners believe they can promote healing. Techniques Used: Techniques can vary widely and might include hands-on healing, distant healing, meditation, visualization, and more. Some practitioners use specialized tools or devices they believe can help facilitate the healing process. Spiritual and Holistic Focus: Many approaches to Quantum Energy Healing incorporate spiritual or holistic perspectives, focusing on the integration of mind, body, and spirit. What may occur during a session ~ Receiving messages from loved ones that have passed on. ~ Removal of heavy unwanted energy ~ Past Life information ~ Messages from your Angels or Spirit Guides Tools that may be used Tarot cards, Crystals and Salt ( I don't use a lot of tools) How do I receive messages? I am Clarvisual and Claraudio. I see and hear in my Third eye. Imagine having a TV or movie screen in your head. I see the messages on that screen. Sometimes the screen is blank and I just hear a message as if its coming from a radio. Sometimes its both. This can be incorporated in a massage or just booked on its own.
